Aisle avaWhen we’re planning our wedding, we want every single minute of it to be perfect. Usually, people pay more attention to big things – like the cake, the wedding party, the wedding dress – and forget about details. But these little things can ruin your ceremony and your mood if you drop your guard. For example, we rarely think about how everybody’s going to walk down the aisle. It seems that only the bride’s walk is important. But is it really so? Let’s ask the professional wedding planners.

My name is Barbara Esses and I do Events for a living. I'm Ruthie Hecht, I'm an event planner and I work with and for my mother. We're gonna teach you the do's and don'ts for the perfect wedding.


In order to make your wedding ceremony the best it could possibly be, the important thing to do is to hold a rehearsal. Many times, it's held the day before the wedding, two days before the wedding, or even the day of the wedding, because you want everybody to walk down in some sort of a uniform manner and you want them to know exactly where they're standing, you want them to have their marks, so that when they get up to wherever it is the ceremony is being done, that everything looks beautiful.

Choosing the music

Many, many people pick their own music to walk down the aisle. Today, you don’t have to use “Here comes the bride” or “Pachelbel’s Canon” anymore. They pick different moods for music and different styles of music, and therefore, you want to rehearse it so that the bride and groom know exactly what the wedding party is gonna look like.

Be familiar with the music

It's extremely important to be familiar with the music, to have the people who’re walking down the aisle familiar with the music and familiar with the space where they're walking down the aisle. Then, you can tell them if you want them to walk a little faster, a little slower, if you want a YouTube dancing event.

All these things are things that the bride and groom can choose, but it's important to do a rehearsal so that everybody who walks down the aisle with you is on the same page.


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