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- Parent Category: America
The Native American tribes had rather unique wedding traditions and lifestyle, in general. That’s why first European settlers couldn’t understand the Native American culture and people for a long time. They simply had too many differences. For example, the Native American people were matrilineal, so there were no dowry and no father giving away his daughter – women weren’t a possession. Divorce was a normal thing among the Native Americans, initiated by wives – all they had to do was put the husband’s belongings out of their home. These are just a few Native American marriage traditions, there are many more.
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- Parent Category: America
In the wedding tradition of Navajo Native Americans, there were several interesting and very important issues to be followed. Today, most of them are left in the past, so when a modern Native American couple gets married – even if it’s a traditional wedding ceremony – these rules are mostly left out, while the spiritual rituals and traditional activities are still performed. Such things as arranged marriages or marriages at a very young age, etc rarely occur these days. Centuries ago, there was a reason for these wedding traditions, but we can easily go without them now.
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- Parent Category: America
The Wampanoag people, being Native American, have a lot of nice wedding traditions. All Native Americans are rather spiritual people, their rituals (not only wedding rituals but any other ceremonial activities) are deeply meaningful and symbolic. It’s fun to compare modern Western-style wedding traditions and centuries-old Wampanoag wedding traditions. Sometimes, they’re even the opposite.
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- Parent Category: America
Indigenous Native American tribes have a very spiritual and rich traditional culture. There is a number of customs and rituals used in various situations. If to talk about the traditional Native American wedding, a few rituals are the most common and favored by the locals. Of course, different tribes that lived in different conditions and on different territories had their own wedding traditions and ceremonies, but these two wedding rituals – the wedding vessel ritual and the wedding blanket ritual – occur in many indigenous Native American communities even today.