Should you hire wedding videographer for your wedding day?
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- Category: All over the World
- Hits: 786
Practically all married couples have at least one wedding photo. We’re all used to the fact that a wedding photographer is a must if you want to save your memories about the wedding. But what about a wedding videographer? This is a comparatively new trend and not everybody can figure out if they need to pay a few extra thousands for a wedding video when they are already going to have the photos. Let’s see what a wedding videographer can give you and whether you need one for your ceremony.
Swedish bridal crowns were usually gold or silver, but what if you couldn’t afford one? You won't believe what they did!
We’ve already published posts about Swedish and Norwegian traditional bridal crowns. Most often, they were gold, silver, or gold-plated and very intricately made. But what if a woman couldn’t afford such an expensive ceremonial jewelry item? Did she just go down the aisle without a crown? You would be surprised about how inventive and skilled were Swedish brides and what materials they used to create wedding crowns for their bridal attire. Glass, thread, metal, birch root, and even straw. And such bridal crowns were almost as elaborate as gold ones.
How to make your wedding guests come to the wedding and stay?
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- Category: All over the World
- Hits: 654
Most couples care about their wedding guests and want to make the wedding day as comfortable to the guests as possible. Because we invite our most beloved and important people to share this happy day with them. So, what can you do to make your wedding day easier and comfier for your guests? Of course, you and your honey are the heroes of the wedding, but people who come to support you and celebrate with you also matter a lot. Here are a few significant things you can do for them, because happy guests create the best wedding atmosphere.
Marriage customs in Ethiopia. Intimate issues and rules
In Ethiopia, there are some rather strict rules regarding marriage, and they are followed even these days. For example, a bride should be a virgin and the couple has to consummate their marriage within three days after the wedding. Ethiopians take marriage very seriously. They pay special attention to avoiding incest – specific research is made as far as 5 generations back to make sure the potential bride and groom have no blood relation. Not many countries take so serious measures to protect the healthiness of future generations.
How 19th-century brides altered one wedding attire to get three different looks. Wedding gown from museum
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- Category: All over the World
- Hits: 789
Wedding dresses changed a lot throughout our history, let alone cultural differences between the traditional wedding outfits around the world. Even classic Western-style bridal gowns sometimes amaze us with their design and functionality. Today, we’d like to show you a wonderful wedding ensemble from the late 19th century. This is a great example of how you could alter your wedding attire in the 1800s with accessories and outerwear to get 3 slightly different looks created for day wear and evening wear. Modern brides also do similar things with their wedding dress instead of buying a few ensembles.
How to avoid bad vendors? Useful tips to determine bad vendors before hiring them
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- Category: All over the World
- Hits: 690
An average American couple hires about 13 vendors for their wedding. And sometimes, it’s a real problem to understand which vendor you can trust and which should be crossed out of the list long before booking them. There are certain tips and tricks that will help you to find out if a vendor is worth working with them. If you see one correspondence with your situation, just look closely at the vendor and analyze their behavior, but if there are several red flags, forget about this vendor altogether. By the way, even if you’ve already booked them and have problems working with them, it’s ok to fire a vendor – you deserve a perfect, stress-free wedding, you pay a lot for it, and you always have a choice.
Vintage ceremonial towel used as belt for the bride. Arresting look!
We’ve already published a post about ceremonial towels being used as the bride’s belt at Ukrainian traditional weddings. This custom was rather popular in certain areas of several Slavic countries. A long and ornate traditional towel looks much more eye-catching than the usual belt. To prove that, we have another museum exhibit – Ukrainian bride’s folk costume that sports a hand-woven ceremonial towel instead of a belt. Note also the amount of jewelry on the bride’s neck – we can’t even count how many rows of necklaces there are!
How to find the perfect wedding planner?
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- Category: All over the World
- Hits: 733
Planning your wedding can be harsh, especially if you know absolutely nothing about it and have no experience in organizing weddings. But we all want our wedding to be perfect, don’t we? So, either you do very, very serious research and spend a ton of time and effort to plan your wedding, or you can hire a professional wedding planner. Both options are fine, you just have to decide which of them suits your situation better. But if you choose to hire a wedding planner, he or she better be good and worth the money, which means you need to choose a professional planner very carefully. This material will help you make the right choice.
Popular bridal party myths. Let’s bust these wedding myths!
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- Category: All over the World
- Hits: 1798
There are so many myths surrounding a wedding. They dictate what we do and how we do it, but basically, a lot of them are nonsense. Today, we’re talking about the wedding party myths. For example, the gender and age of your bridesmaids and male groomsmen, their outfits, costly wedding party gifts, and so on. Remember that tradition is tradition but every wedding is unique, so you’re free to do whatever you like at your wedding because it’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Don’t ruin your big day by following non-existing or ridiculous rules.
What did Hungarian brides wear when getting married and remarried?
Hungarian clothing traditions dictate that people dress according to their age, marital status, region of origin, etc. Today, Hungarians don’t follow those rules anymore, obviously, because life isn’t static and lifestyle changes all the time. But in the past, you really could look at a person and understand a lot about him or her. And first of all, the marital status had to be easily determinable so that young men and women didn’t have to ask if someone they met was single and available for courting. But in this post, we’ll tell you how Hungarian brides dressed for their wedding. It mattered if you were getting married for the first time or remarrying.
Wedding etiquette in the United Kingdom
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- Parent Category: Europe
- Category: United Kingdom
- Hits: 832
Wedding etiquette is more important than you might think. Especially if we’re talking about British weddings, as people of this country value their traditions, laws, and rules highly. So, if you’re going to marry a British or attend a wedding in the UK, there are some things you should know about and follow to avoid misunderstandings and embarrassing situations. Of course, we don’t say that these etiquette rules are cut in stone, but your beloved person and the wedding guests will definitely appreciate it if you show that you’re familiar with their wedding traditions and customs.
Most interesting Muslim wedding traditions
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- Category: All over the World
- Hits: 652
Most people have heard about strict Islamic laws and rules, but what about Muslim weddings? Are they really different from any other wedding traditions around the world? We’ve prepared quite a few interesting and even unexpected Islamic marriage traditions. Did you know that a Muslim wedding can be held without the bride present? Or that any practicing Muslim can officiate a marriage ceremony? Read along and you’ll find a lot of curious info about Islamic wedding traditions.
You’ve got engaged. What’s next?! First steps of wedding planning
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- Category: All over the World
- Hits: 1753
If you’ve got engaged recently, shared the news with the world, and now are ready to start planning your future wedding, there is a strong possibility that you don’t know what to do first. How to start the wedding planning? What steps must be done and in what order? There’s a huge piece of work right ahead of you. But don’t freak out. We’ll help you organize your planning effectively and comfortably.
What else – except for buying wedding insurance – can you do to protect your wedding from mishaps?
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- Category: All over the World
- Hits: 2028
Wedding insurance is a great way to protect your wedding, but you must understand that it usually takes time to get your coverage and not all the cases fall under the insurance umbrella. So, the more you minimize your chances of mishaps and accidents, the better. You would be surprised how much you can personally do to protect your wedding from most problems and stressful situations. So, here are a few tips that will help you – from choosing the best season to having backup options to picking the right time for beauty treatment.
Ethiopian wedding traditions from matchmaking to wedding reception
Ethiopian weddings are cheerful occasions that leave no one out and show respect between people. This culture values family connections, which we can see in the local wedding rituals that involve the eldest family members. Also, it’s impressive that the last day of the wedding celebration is dedicated to those relatives and friends who couldn’t attend the actual marriage ceremony, so they’re invited to have dinner with the newlyweds and bless the couple for happily ever after.
Wedding trends and ideas 2021. Some appeared out of necessity, others arose naturally
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- Category: All over the World
- Hits: 689
We all hope that the next 2021 year will bring us – if not the end of the Covid-19 pandemic, at least some improvement in this awful situation. And we believe that those weddings scheduled for 2021 will be celebrated as planned. So, here you are a few new – or maybe not so new for you – wedding trends expected to become the vogue the next year. Some of them appeared out of necessity, others arose naturally, due to the development of the wedding sphere.
Music at your wedding. Worst wedding music mistakes you’ll want to avoid
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- Category: All over the World
- Hits: 1818
A lot of people consider the wedding music to be something unimportant and not worth their attention, but that’s a mistake you shouldn’t make. In reality, there’s nothing worse than awkward silence gaps or ill-timed blasts of music during the wedding ceremony. Except for that, there is a whole lot of common music-related mistakes made by the newlyweds during their wedding. We’ve selected top-5 most important and most common mistakes you should know about and avoid.
Traditional wedding attire is still very popular in Pakistan. Just look at Pakistani wedding dresses!
The wedding outfits of Pakistan look grand! They’re so ornate, bright, and breathtakingly beautiful, you can’t take your eyes off them. There’s no surprise that Pakistani brides and grooms wish to wear folk costumes for their wedding even in the 21st century. Pakistani wedding shalwar kameez and sarees are much more splendid than even the most elaborate Western-style white wedding gowns. And no tux can be compared to Pakistani groom’s clothing.
Don’t let the rain ruin your wedding. How can you rainproof your future wedding?
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- Category: All over the World
- Hits: 2209
Nice weather can save your wedding mood. But what if it’s going to rain on your wedding day? How can you not stress about it?! First of all, calm down and read this article. We’ll tell you how to save the day even when the weather doesn’t want to cooperate. Rain is by far not the worst thing that can happen, although it can upset you, if you prepare for it in advance, rain won’t spoil your wedding. We promise).
Particular tips to have a perfect wedding ceremony. They might seem small and trivial but they’re not
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- Category: All over the World
- Hits: 1794
There are so many things at the wedding ceremony that could go wrong! Planning a truly perfect wedding is a hard work. Partially, this is why a lot of couples spend up to 12-24 months on the wedding prep. Plenty of articles and videos on this topic are already created by professionals in wedding planning. But most of them give some general advice as to how much time a ceremony should last, what legal papers you need, and what wedding dress to choose. Instead, we’d like to give you particular tips and pieces of advice regarding the wedding ceremony – small but significant things, which are often forgotten about until they lead to a mess.
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