toast avaMany couples, especially those who plan to have a grand and chic wedding, also hold a rehearsal of the marriage ceremony, followed by a rehearsal dinner. But such a meal can add up a lot to your wedding budget, depending on how many people are invited. So, if you’re tight on your budget but still feel the need to make a rehearsal dinner for the guests, here are some tricks and issues that will help you save a bit. And remember, it doesn’t mean you’re a miser if you want to save money – you’re just financially responsible.

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To be honest, the best way to save money on a rehearsal dinner is to not have one)). You’re not obliged to organize a rehearsal and a rehearsal dinner afterwards. Or you can have a rehearsal with no meal following it. That’s perfectly fine. No one will think badly of you. Anyway, you’ll feed the wedding guests at your wedding reception, what more should they want?!

Or you can have a small rehearsal dinner, with just the closest family and friends present. For instance, only the couple, their parents, and the bridal party. In this case, dinner will be affordable. And other wedding guests most probably will understand.

Another option is to let your guests pay for their food and drinks. If you decide to have a rehearsal dinner but you have a small wedding budget, just notify people that they will have to pay for their order. You make arrangements with the restaurant, possibly pay for a few shared plates and non-alcoholic drinks, and every guest pays for the additional food they order. They can opt whether to come or not and what food to choose.

A great way to save some money on a rehearsal dinner is to choose the place for it accordingly. If you hire a venue or book a banquet hall, it will cost you more, obviously. To have a meal in a backyard or book a table in a restaurant is a lot cheaper. Our advice is to opt for a cafe or restaurant – you won’t have to think about the logistics and people will be able to pick any food and drinks they like. Fewer issues to worry about just a day before the actual wedding.

If you think that a backyard rehearsal dinner is the cheapest choice, think again. Such an event needs a lot of time, arrangements, space, and hard work. You already have enough on your plate, with planning the wedding and preparing for this big day, to add more work to the list. Unless someone else takes on all of the organizational issues, don’t do it. Or you’ll be even more stressed before your wedding.

Basically, the best possible option regarding the rehearsal dinner and saving money on it is to make a small meal in a restaurant, with only the closest people present. But as usual, every situation is unique and it’s only up to you what kind of a rehearsal dinner to have, how much to spend on it, whom to invite, and where to hold it. Good luck and remember that wedding has to be the happiest time in your life, not the most stressful.


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